Databáze > PostgreSQL

OT instalace Postgresql

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dělám pokusy s D2009 a PostgreSQL, na W7 mi to chodí, ale doma na Visty se mi nedaří postgresql nainstalovat.
Pustím instalák Postgresql (verze 9.4.4.x), naběhne mi logo instalačního programu a vyskočí chybová hláška "Unable to write inside TEMP enviroment variable path".
Všechno samo sebou s právy administrátora.
Nevíte někdo kde je příčina, nebo co v registrech změnit?
Vista Bussines 32 bit, Delphi 2009.

Díky Dalibor.

< z >:
zkusil si vycistit slozku Temp?

Výsledek stejný.

Po pokusu o instalaci tam nechal instalátor bitrock_installer (to je asi on) soubor bitrock_installer.log:

Log started 08/01/2015 at 22:57:46
Preferred installation mode : qt
Trying to init installer in mode qt
Mode qt successfully initialized
Executing C:\Users\Dalik\AppData\Local\Temp/postgresql_installer_ab38a3e622/temp_check_comspec.bat
Script exit code: 0

Script output:
 "test ok"

Script stderr:

Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Data Directory. Setting variable iDataDirectory to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Base Directory. Setting variable iBaseDirectory to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Service ID. Setting variable iServiceName to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Service Account. Setting variable iServiceAccount to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Super User. Setting variable iSuperuser to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Branding. Setting variable iBranding to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Version. Setting variable brandingVer to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 Shortcuts. Setting variable iShortcut to empty value
Could not find registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PostgreSQL\Installations\postgresql-9.4 DisableStackBuilder. Setting variable iDisableStackBuilder to empty value
[22:57:57] Existing base directory:
[22:57:57] Existing data directory:
[22:57:57] Using branding: PostgreSQL 9.4
[22:57:57] Using Super User: postgres and Service Account: NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
[22:57:57] Using Service Name: postgresql-9.4
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\Users\Dalik\AppData\Local\Temp\postgresql_installer_ab38a3e622\prerun_checks.vbs"
Script exit code: 1

Script output:
 Chyba programu CScript: Skriptovacˇ stroj VBScript pro skript C:\Users\Dalik\AppData\Local\Temp\postgresql_installer_ab38a3e622\prerun_checks.vbs nebyl nalezen.

Script stderr:
 Program ended with an error exit code

Error running cscript //NoLogo "C:\Users\Dalik\AppData\Local\Temp\postgresql_installer_ab38a3e622\prerun_checks.vbs": Program ended with an error exit code
Cannot delete file C:/Users/Dalik/AppData/Local/Temp/postgresql_installer_ab38a3e622

Ten startovací instalák spouští nějaký vb script jménem prerun_checks.vbs. Je možný, že by v systému chyběl nějaký runtime nebo tak něco?


--- Citace: Faltynek  01-08-2015, 22:31:12 ---dělám pokusy s D2009 a PostgreSQL, na W7 mi to chodí, ale doma na Visty se mi nedaří postgresql nainstalovat.
Pustím instalák Postgresql (verze 9.4.4.x), naběhne mi logo instalačního programu a vyskočí chybová hláška "Unable to write inside TEMP enviroment variable path".
Všechno samo sebou s právy administrátora.

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